
MINI - strongest residuals of the pack

24th April 2014

MINI has the strongest UK residual values of 34 car manufacturers, an independent study by Glass’s has found.

With an annual average depreciation of just 16.4 per cent, MINI customers benefit from the strongest residual values in the industry. Glass’s study, which was revealed by Auto Express, scrutinised cars at one, three, five and seven years old to obtain fair depreciation figures.

MINI’s industry leading depreciation figures means UK customers can experience depreciation up to 10 percentage points less on their vehicle per year compared with the worst performing manufacturers. This can amount to saving of thousands of pounds when selling the vehicle.

Andrew Jackson, Head of Analytics at Glass’s, comments: “Considering that MINI operates within a classically high-RV-performing segment, combined with the desirable nature of the brand, meant that even for vehicles aged seven years, the percentage of cost new that can be expected from a MINI was appreciably more than any other brand.”

As well as strong residual values offered by entry level MINI models, many of the brand’s options and customisation choices further improve residual values for customers come resale time. This translates into affordable leasing rates ensuring MINI customers can enjoy the options they want on their vehicle for less

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